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N i c o l a s G a u d u c h o n
P h o t o g r a p h e
Born in Southern Brittany in 1977, I grew up close to nature which has remained dear to me and from which I often draw inspiration in my work.
After my studies I learned photography first self-taught, then within renowned houses includingL'Atelier Du Noir & White in Arcachon from 2002 to 2009, where I learned the speed and rigor of shooting, but also in London, from 2007 to 2015, atPascal Plessis within the studio Promise Photography where I developed the technical and creative aspect.
At the same time I set off on the roads of the world. I was lucky enough to live inKenya where I discovered the terrain through my encounters with rural populations, the Maasai and wildlife.
I extended my passion for photography with in-depth development and printing work in order to best reveal my work; a photograph accurately printed on choice paper always has something magical in my eyes.
Nicolas Gauduchon
Photographs, logos, texts and articles from the site cannot be reproduced without authorization.
© 2020 Nicolas Gauduchon
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